Saturday, April 10, 2010

This Just In!

I think this deserves a "special news break" sort of pic... and I know just the one!

With the countdown winding down, I've come to the decision to create a new blog!

That's right.  A new blog... about GLEE!

It's only natural that I not only have a Glee blog both during the on and off season of this great show!

So to all my followers (especially if you've wondered we're I'll be now that the greatest show on earth is returning to television *and end dramatic moment*), please click the link above and please continue to FOLLOW me on this deliriously gleeful road!  You don't want to miss a second of it!

... oh and don't worry.  I shall not abandon this one into cyberland... it shall be waiting for me when the show goes on its usual hiatus (basically about nine weeks from now, le sigh).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

omglee omglee MADONNA!


... yeah.  Totally speechless right now... GLEE!!!! *squeee*

Day 104: The Queen B C's All

... ladies and germs, Sue's BACK!

One of the great things about Glee that was thoroughly missed is Sue Sylvester's unadulterated commentary on pretty much everything.  In anticipation of our show's return, it seems that every Monday a new Sue's Corner will be posted online.

This week's topic:  Sneaky Gays.

With snark and wit, Jane Lynch reminds us why we love to loath Sue.

Best line?  "Neil Patrick Harris, you confuse me... and then I hear you're actually not a doctor."

Best new motto?  "Swish it up!"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 95: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

... or otherwise weary, whichever comes first.

So it's been ages since I last blogged.  I suppose that's a slightly good thing considering that I haven't felt the need to update/moan/bitch/blog about missing Glee...

But O.M.GLEE --

You smell that?  That is the stench of Sue's glorious return to McKinley High... and it. smells. FANTASTIC!

I actually made that little fanart by adding in the "less than a month" text and the whole "line crossing out and inserting Sue's name" thing...

But the original promo pics are just as great!

So yes... the greatness that is Glee will be back and with a whole lot of theater thespians, lots of drama, and a whole lot of cover songs!

I cannot WAIT!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 70: Katchup ain't just a condiment

... it's also a way of allowing you to get to know me and what I've been doing the past few days.

So, usual vault rules apply. If you want to know...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 69: I Wish I Had a Stately Manor To Weep In

... as I wait in anticipation for April 13!  Damn it why must it be so far away!

With the countdown continuing, it's about time us gleeks got ourselves some sneak peaks!

Thank God TPTG decided to have mercy on us and allow Entertainment Tonight to throw us a bone.

Isn't it such a pretty bone?

Okay, so I've pretty much watched this... uh, about six times now.  By week's end, I'll probably have viewed it to the point where I can quote-- uh, damn it I'm already quoting (as noted by the blog title).

Eeeeeeee!  I want to be a part of the Glitterati!  I want to see more Jonathan Groff (mark my words, once people see Lea and Jonathan together they'll be like "Puckleberry who?")!  And, oddly enough, I want more Sue sporting cone bras!

Yeah.  I took it a bit too far...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 57: Of Taylor Swift, FYeahs and 6-bee

So... in counting... I am TWO MONTHS away from my beloved show!

Two.  Months.

Damn it's been a long Glee-less winter...

But as the days go by, it gets a little easier.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 51: Blue Moon, You Saw Me Standing Alone...

... without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own..."

Tonight marks the first full moon of 2010, and it's said to be the brightest and fullest of the entire year (also known as Wolf Moon).

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 45: GLEE-ful pride!

Because this deserves its own posting...

Cast Winning @ 16th Annual SAG Awards

I heart Glee

I really really heart GLEE!  Look it's the WHOLE CAST (including the talented actors that play Santana, Brittany, Mike and Matt! Woohoo!)!

Day 45: Timberlake say "Glee?"

Okay, so it's awesome enough that Lea Michele expressed interest in casting Justin Timberlake for a cameo on our beloved show...

Well, what does our Sexyback artist have to say about that?